Experience is Our Expertise



The Canals Group is a registered partnership of management consultants with expertise and experience in the operation, management , protection and presentation of historic canals, waterways, corridors, natural and historic parks and trails. It is one stop shopping for canal, waterway, natural and historic parks and related expertise.

The partners have a broad range of experience with over 30 years of paid and volunteer management experience individually, with international waterway organizations, national and local canals, World Heritage canal sites, waterways and corridors, in addition to programs related to national historic sites and national parks.

Our partners are Council members of Inland Waterway International and special advisors and experts to the World Canal Cities Organization (WCCO)  and members of other societies and friends organizations. Some of the partners are closely involved with the World Canals Conference, a conference that brings canal professionals, volunteers and supporters together annually, alternating between the Americas, Asia and Europe. This enables us to be current and up to date on canal and waterway trends, issues, solutions and other matters worldwide. As a result we are well positioned to supplement the experience of our core team with additional expertise where and when appropriate.

Contact us for more information: info@thecanalsgroup.com

Mailing Information:

15 Maple Stand Way

Ottawa ON, K2G 6P4


(613) 825-3286

All pictures on this website are the property of thecanalsgroup and cannot be used without permission

Latest Update: February 2023

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